Remarkable in its originality and daring.
Tremendous hour of thought-provoking fun.
Deliciously observed character comedy.
Her brilliance shines in the details.

Show Photos

An eccentric, cabaret performer Joanie arrives in the afterlife and has a Soul Review with her spirit guide Pam. Did she learn the lessons at Earth School? Or did she get distracted. The results are in…it’s all about another woman, Eva. But who’s Eva?
Adelaide Fringe Festival
Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Sydney Comedy Festival
Sat 26 April @ Flight Path Theatre
Brighton Fringe Festival
Saturday 10th – 2pm. Saturday 17th – 2pm, Sunday 18th – 1pm, Saturday 31st – 2pm @ Ironworks Studios.
Edinburgh Fringe Festival
1-25 August TBC
Written, Performed, and Produced by Katie Reddin-Clancy
Directed by Abigail Graham
Costume by Prangsta Costumiers
Press and PR. Australia by Bronny Lane @ Little Train Creative
Marketing by Katie Reddin-Clancy
Poster Photography by Veronika Marx
Graphic Design by Jonny Woolley
Some performances defy genre and this production features elements of solo theatre, sketch comedy and stand-up. Essentially, it’s a one-person play about gender identity but that description does Grace and its writer/performer Katie Reddin-Clancy a disservice. With an opening that feels like character stand-up, Reddin-Clancy quickly establishes themselves as having solid comedy chops

GRACE Trailer
GRACE Mini Show
Show Photos

“Katie Reddin-Clancy’s acting and delivery were superb, turning into a (at least) six woman show. Her brilliance shines in the details… The writing was clever, authentic and witty.” The Advertiser
“A remarkable, versatile talent who sets a very high bar indeed.” Herald Sun
“Katie Reddin-Clancy’s prodigious acting talents make the show worth seeing.” Heckler
“A barn-storming whirlwind performance by Katie, whose talent to create so many different characters is amazing. Not just Alfie and co but Audrey the 19th century theatre ghost and Anna the viscous money grabbing theatrical agent. Tremendous hour of thought-provoking fun.” GScene
“Some performances defy genre and this production features elements of solo theatre, sketch comedy and stand-up. Essentially, it’s a one-person play about gender identity but that description does Grace and its writer/performer Katie Reddin-Clancy a disservice.With an opening that feels like character stand-up, Reddin-Clancy quickly establishes themselves as having solid comedy chops with the character of Sheryl, an extremely British middle-class theatre manager stuck with trying to explain why the act we’re here to see isn’t yet on stage. With many a witty aside and rambling opinions on everything from Brexit politics to dating, Sheryl is an engaging character and, when her part is over, I’m sad to see her go. Whilst making an important statement about gender fluidity and the various barriers (both social and personal) that can come with such a situation Grace is a brave work. Grace is an ambitious undertaking from a talented performer…a powerful and provocative piece of theatre.” Broadway Baby
“A journey of gender, life and love. The characters belong in the acting world, an intriguing environment that provides a perfect set up for self directed humour and the array of songs add to the play’s charm. GRACE is a multifaceted production and writer and star Katie Reddin -Clancy gives a versatile performance in this one woman piece, impressively weaving between genders and characters…The message of freedom and love at its core shone through. The quick, sarcastic gags and sharp dialogue was well written and Reddin-Clancy did a brilliant job at delivering a complicated performance.” Ed Fest Mag
“The fringe is perfect for performances like Grace: it’s not quite theatre, or comedy…full of fascinating contradictions…Through a series of ‘talking heads’-style monologues, ‘Grace’ skirts the distinction between truth and illusion in a cleverly-written comedy cabaret. At once confusing and clear, it draws interesting comparisons between acting and gendered behaviour, with pointed commentaries about the drag and theatre industries. The writing is sharp and the acting good.” Three Weeks
“Through humour, thought-provoking discussion, and character development, GRACE slowly uncovers its core: a story about identity and love. It explores quite intrinsic elements of humanity while maintaining humour and wit throughout.As you scan through the Fringe’s massive schedule, it could be easy to miss this enigmatically titled performance… but it would be a mistake. Charming, funny, and witty, GRACE is perfectly pitched to elicit the audience’s responses at every moment. Mixing humour, seriousness, and irreverence, the blend of the performance is something that almost should not work – yet somehow, by the skill of Reddin-Clancy as a performer, it works.Grace poses an enigma to the audience, solves it, and takes the audience on an engaging run through a series of characters brought together around a performance as the nexus by which theymutually connect. Remarkable in its originality and daring, Grace is an excellent performance showcasing a talented performer’s ability to adopt new and distinct personas deftly.” Tulpa Magazine
“Make no doubt about it – this is a brave performance. Go see it…the talented actress is well worth seeing.” Weekend Notes
“Not comedy, not cabaret, not theatre, it is all…in the body of one actor….in a gender-bending, time-melding, quick-stepping menagerie of theatrical homage. Come down and embrace the carnivalesque world of this unique performer’s mind.” The Empty Blog Space
“The strength of this show is Katie’s razor sharp…barbed tongue and her skill as a comedian. Katie is a skilled performer with fantastic delivery – I look forward to seeing her shine.” One4Review
“Beautiful…haunting and poetic…Deliciously observed character comedy. GRACE is a high reaching, mesmerising and witty piece of comedy theatre. Reddin-Clancy’s performance is powerful, intelligent and funny. Go see this show for laughs and food for thought.” Mumble Theatre
“Reddin-Clancy creates some wonderful characterisations and the comic delivery of the stand-up aspects of the script is spot on…its heart is pure and strong.” Broadway World
“Reddin-Clancy is a confident and polished performer throughout. GRACE is a topical, diverse…excellent independent Fringe Show.” Adelaide Theatre Guide
“An introspective one woman show at The Tuxedo Cat. Reddin-Clancy cleverly morphed between various characters as she explored issues of identity, gender and love. Immediately I had the impression I was witnessing a witty and personable actress…this actress was very dynamic and committed to every scene, an enjoyable experience…some profound statements. Reddin-Clancy has a charismatic presence on stage …and showcased her versatility and experience as an actress.” The Serenade Files
In an old regional theatre, Alfie, a comedian who
performed as the male half of a double act re-enters
the stage… as Zora, a woman.
Tuxedo Cat (Adelaide Fringe Festival), The Butterfly
Club (Melbourne International Comedy Festival), The
Theatre Box / The Warren (Brighton Fringe Festival)
and The Gilded Balloon (Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Written, Performed, and Produced by Katie
Directed by Peter Blackburn
Associate Directing by Colin Watkeys
Comedy Consulting by Logan Murray
Costume by Prangsta
Choreography by Benji Vize
Press and PR by Mel Brown @ Impressive PR (UK) and
Chloe Nelkin (Aus)
Marketing by Katie Reddin-Clancy
Poster Photography by Phillipa Michael
Production Photos by Ben Macmahon
Graphic Design by Conor Jatter
Voice Coaching by Yvonne Morley
Singing Coaching by Jessie Monroe
Music by Molotov Jukebox
Winner of Encore Insurance Bursary – Brighton Fringe
Isobel Advertising Agency
Critically acclaimed debut one woman show

Show Photos

“Darn good writing throughout…great insights into life, smashing one-liners plus Reddin-Clancy is a quality performer.” Adelaide Theatre Guide
“Reddin-Clancy’s acting is first-rate and I am left wanting to see more of her.” Herald Sun
“Katie Reddin – Clancy’s prodigious acting talents make the show worth seeing.” Heckler
“A brunette Bridget Jones, passionate and captivating… the perfect girls’ night out.” Rip It Up
“Kate Middleton Show Queen is a bittersweet show about finding one’s place in life. It is also a display of talent, wit, fantastic delivery and zeal!”
“Reddin-Clancy combines humor, wit and intriguing storytelling with a raw performance…” Fringe Benefits
“This show ranks number 6 for Week One of Adelaide Fringe.” The Australian
“…well observed and beautifully delivered.” Adelaide Now
A one-woman character, comedy show about Kate
Middleton’s lookalike being hired by the Palace to cover
Kate on Maternity Leave.
Boheme, a 55 seater (Adelaide Fringe Festival) at the
time of the Royal Wedding and transferred to Red
Bennies a 300 seater (Melbourne International
Comedy Festival).
Written, Performed, and Produced by Katie
Directed by Sarah McCusker
Press and PR by Elise Barton
Marketing by Katie Reddin-Clancy
Poster and Production Photography by Charlie Brophy
Graphic Design by Dan Brophy
Bank SA, Bouffant Delacroix salon, Ms Caramel Cakes,
M.C Lange Solicitors and Gritti Palace Hairdresser.